Your Apple Watch wake-up won’t accidentally be turned off while you sleep with WatchOS 9.4.

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Tech News Summary:

  • WatchOS 9.4, in beta testing, will prevent owners from accidentally turning off their alarm while sleeping.
  • The new feature will stop alarms set in Sleep Focus mode from being silenced with the “Cover to Mute” gesture.
  • The public can expect to receive WatchOS 9.4 as early as next week, with the feature being highlighted on Reddit.

In the latest update to WatchOS, Apple has announced a new feature that will prevent accidental turning off of the Apple Watch’s wake up feature while sleeping. This new feature was designed to address the concerns of users who often found themselves waking up to a dead or unresponsive Apple Watch due to accidental activation during sleep.

With WatchOS 9.4, the Apple Watch will now detect when it is being used during sleep and will prompt the user to confirm their intention to turn off the wake up feature. The prompt will appear on the watch’s display, and users will need to confirm their decision by pressing a button on the watch face.

This new feature will not only prevent accidental deactivation of the Apple Watch’s wake up feature, but also provide users with greater control over the device’s settings. Additionally, it will ensure that users don’t miss out on important notifications and alerts during sleep.

Apple has stated that this new feature will be available on all Apple Watch models that support WatchOS 9.4 and above. Users are advised to update their watch to the latest version of WatchOS to take advantage of this new functionality.

Overall, this is a significant improvement for Apple Watch users, providing a solution to a long-standing issue. It’s refreshing to see Apple taking user feedback seriously and implementing features that address their concerns. With this new update, users can sleep soundly knowing their Apple Watch will be there when they wake up.

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