Tesla’s Autopilot System: A Risky Driving Assistant? Over 700 Accidents Since 2019 Spark Worries

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Tech News Summary:

  • Since 2019, Tesla’s Autopilot software has been involved in 736 accidents and 17 fatalities.
  • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg believes that the name “Autopilot” is misleading, as drivers must keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road at all times.
  • NHTSA is investigating how Autopilot technology interacts with stopped emergency vehicles, and experts suggest that changes made by CEO Elon Musk may have contributed to the recent spike in Autopilot-related crashes.

The use of Tesla’s Autopilot feature has come under scrutiny as a disturbing number of crashes continue to occur. According to reports, there have been 736 Autopilot-related accidents in the United States since 2019. This figure is raising concerns about the safety of the popular driver-assist feature.

The Autopilot feature was introduced in Tesla’s Model S sedan in 2014 and has since been included in other models. It is designed to assist drivers with steering, accelerating, and braking, among other things. However, it is not meant to be a fully self-driving feature and requires the driver’s attention and supervision.

Despite the company’s insistence that the feature is safe, several accidents have been reported in which the Autopilot feature was engaged. Some of these crashes have resulted in fatalities, such as a recent incident in Texas where two men died after their Tesla Model S crashed into a tree while using the Autopilot.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating these crashes, and there are concerns that the Autopilot feature may be to blame. Critics argue that the Autopilot feature may give drivers a false sense of security, leading them to become complacent about monitoring their vehicle’s surroundings.

Tesla has defended the Autopilot feature, stating that it is designed to give drivers extra assistance and improve their safety on the road. They also claim that the feature reduces the likelihood of accidents, as drivers are less likely to become distracted or fall asleep at the wheel.

Despite Tesla’s assurances, the increasing number of Autopilot-related crashes is raising concerns about the safety of the feature. Critics are calling for stricter regulations and increased safety measures to ensure that drivers remain vigilant and attentive while using the Autopilot. Until then, it is up to individual drivers to use caution and exercise good judgment while operating their Tesla vehicles.

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