Q&A with an Expert: Military Technology’s Interplay between Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence from an Insider Perspective.

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  • Josh Lospinoso, CEO of cybersecurity startup Shift5, has highlighted the potential of AI to protect military operations from threats such as software vulnerabilities and data poisoning.
  • Offensive hackers use adversarial AI to defeat classification systems that are crucial to cybersecurity measures.
  • Lospinoso stressed the importance of adequately securing existing weapons systems before adding AI to them and shifting towards proactive security measures rather than reactive ones.

Washington D.C. – In a closed-door Q&A session, top military officials and engineers discussed the intersection of two rapidly evolving technologies – artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.

The event, hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C., brought together experts from various branches of the military, as well as industry leaders in AI and cybersecurity.

The discussion centered around the ways in which AI can be both a boon and a threat to cybersecurity. On one hand, AI-powered cybersecurity systems can help identify and respond to threats more quickly and efficiently than humans alone. On the other hand, malicious actors could use AI to develop more sophisticated and effective cyber attacks.

“AI is both a defensive and an offensive tool,” said one military official during the Q&A. “We need to be thinking about how we can use it to protect our systems, but also how we can stay one step ahead of our adversaries who are also using it.”

Another issue discussed was the need for better collaboration between the military and the tech industry. Many experts expressed concerns that the military may fall behind in AI development if it doesn’t partner with industry leaders.

“We need to find ways to bring the private sector into the fold,” said one engineer. “They have the resources and expertise that we need to keep pace with the rapid advancements in AI and cybersecurity.”

The Q&A session ended with a consensus that continued research and collaboration between the military and industry on AI and cybersecurity is essential to the future success of national security.

“As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, it’s crucial that we stay ahead of the curve,” said one military official. “And that means working together to find innovative solutions to the challenges we face.”

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