New Survey Reveals Key Findings for Global Businesses on Harnessing the Power of AI Translation and Localization

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Tech News Summary:

  1. DeepL conducted a survey on AI translation and localization processes for global enterprises, revealing the strategic importance of using AI translation tools to market in multiple countries.
  2. Survey results showed high adoption rates of AI tools and a positive impact on return on investment, along with a desire to combine AI translation with human review to balance machine automation with human expertise.
  3. The findings underscore the importance of investing in advanced language technologies such as AI translation tools for global businesses and the significance of achieving both linguistic accuracy and cultural relevance through effective translation and localization processes.

In a new survey conducted by a leading translation and localization company, key findings have been revealed about the impact of AI on global businesses. The survey, titled “Unlocking the Power of AI Translation and Localization”, aims to shed light on the benefits and challenges that artificial intelligence presents for companies looking to expand their reach in the global market.

The survey found that 76% of global businesses believe that AI translation and localization tools have significantly improved their ability to connect with international customers. In addition, 67% of respondents stated that AI has helped them to execute more accurate and efficient translations, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and expanded market opportunities.

Furthermore, the survey highlighted the growing importance of AI in addressing the challenges of language barriers and cultural nuances in global communications. 82% of businesses reported that AI has helped them to overcome linguistic challenges and improve the quality of their localized content.

However, the survey also identified some key challenges that businesses face when integrating AI translation and localization tools into their operations. 49% of respondents expressed concerns about the accuracy and reliability of AI translations, while 37% cited the need for better integration with existing business processes and systems.

Overall, the survey underscores the transformative potential of AI in the translation and localization industry, and the significant impact it can have on global businesses. By leveraging AI technology, companies can enhance their ability to engage with customers from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, while also streamlining their international operations.

As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, the findings of this survey serve as a valuable resource for businesses looking to harness the power of AI to drive their international growth and success.

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