If you lack expertise in AI, you’ll be left behind, warns Nvidia CEO

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Tech News Summary:

  • Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang, emphasizes that businesses and individuals need to familiarize themselves with AI or risk losing out.
  • Nvidia processors are the gold standard for training AI models and the company has been the main beneficiary of the race to offer alternatives to OpenAI’s technology.
  • Huang encourages individuals to create something new quickly in the era of AI or risk being left behind, stating that those who become AI experts will have an advantage over others.

Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang, has warned that those who ignore the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and fail to gain expertise in this domain will be left behind. Huang made this statement while speaking at the recent GPU Technology Conference (GTC) in California.

During the conference, Huang emphasized the importance of AI as a transforming technology across industries. He cited its significant contributions to the medical and autonomous vehicle sector, among others. Huang also stated that AI has the potential to democratize healthcare, enhance cybersecurity, optimize energy utilization, and foster sustainable agriculture.

However, Huang cautioned that a lack of AI knowledge could lead different sectors to lose future growth opportunities. He called for the integration of AI expertise into education curriculums, thus enabling people to acquire AI skills and gear up for the future.

Huang’s statements were timely, considering the growing adoption of AI in business operations, security, and environmental conservation worldwide. AI has already created jobs such as AI engineers, data scientists, and machine learning specialists. AI is expected to create more job opportunities across sectors.

In conclusion, Jensen Huang’s warnings about AI ignorance come at a time when technological advancements have accelerated across industries. Gaining expertise in AI is becoming a necessity rather than a choice for organizations and individuals who want to future-proof their careers and stay ahead of the curve.

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