Fugro Enhances Collaboration with Local Company to Enhance Community Support

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News about Fugro’s Partnership with Local Firm

Main Points:

  1. Fugro and PTSC G&S extend their partnership to support Vietnam’s offshore wind industry.
  2. The two-year agreement includes a range of marine site characterization services to help with Vietnam’s offshore wind targets.
  3. This partnership is crucial for Vietnam to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Depth News:

Fugro, a Dutch survey company, has strengthened its partnership with PTSC Geos & Subsea Services (PTSC G&S) in Vietnam to provide marine site characterization services in support of the country’s growing offshore wind industry. This extended memorandum of understanding (MOU) signifies a milestone in the collaboration between Fugro and PTSC G&S, reflecting their commitment to supporting Vietnam’s offshore wind targets outlined in the 8th Power Development Plan. With ambitious goals for offshore wind energy, this partnership will play a significant role in helping Vietnam achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

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