Disney Eyes Digital Technology Enhances Storytelling

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The rush to improve the concept of the Metaverse has similarities to the race to space, when Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg famously announced his company’s name change and said the focus was on creating and delivering a 3D world where individuals’ digital avatars could do so, experience next-generation elements and ultimately live more of their lives in the digital world.

With a vision to provide more experiences and content to people who rarely or never go to the theme parks, and the tangible elements the company has to offer, Disney hired media and technology expert Mike White to lead the new guide to the next generation of storytelling and customer experiences.

One area that Disney says could have some impact and success is augmented reality movies, one of which premieres as such this month on Disney+. Arfa Khatri, a Los Angeles-based professional digital creative and founder of Arfa Shoots Inc. sees several opportunities and new areas opening up in her industry with the advent of more technological growth and Disney’s announcement.

“In addition to photography and videography, I offer full-service production services to the brands I work with, including quality editing, lighting, drone work and even sound design. It’s exciting to see what additional opportunities there will be to add this in the near future,” she said.

“One of the challenges I faced was discovering my creative style and not knowing where to start. When I discovered my creative style, I learned that the best way to learn is to just do something. Everyone has their own view of creativity, art has no rules, there are many sources of creative knowledge, but the best way to learn and grow is to put yourself out there and actively do it.” “I think that’s also true as the metaverse picks up steam and brands look for different types of activations and content to set themselves apart.”

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