Can AI be Deceiving? More than Half of Consumers Unable to Identify Email Generated by AI!

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Tech News Summary:

  • Over half of consumers are unable to distinguish between emails generated by AI and those written by humans, according to a survey conducted by Instiller.
  • Those aged 18-24 were found to be the most adept at detecting AI-generated emails, while those aged 55-64 were the least concerned about AI in advertising.
  • While AI can add value to email marketing, marketers must prioritize authenticity and personalization to maintain a human touch and meet the preferences of different generations.

According to a recent study, over 50% of consumers are unable to identify an email that has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) system. This means that an increasing number of people are being duped by AI-generated content without even knowing it.

The study, carried out by cybersecurity experts, involved presenting a group of consumers with a series of emails and asking them to identify which ones were written by a human and which ones were generated by an AI system. Shockingly, only 49% of participants were able to correctly identify the AI-generated emails.

This trend is worrying because it shows that people are becoming increasingly susceptible to fake and misleading information. AI-generated content is becoming more sophisticated, making it easier for cybercriminals to create convincing emails that trick people into handing over sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details.

The study also found that younger people were more likely to be duped by AI-generated content than older people. This could be because younger people have grown up with technology and are therefore more likely to trust it.

In response to these findings, cybersecurity experts are calling on businesses and individuals to be more cautious when opening emails and to take steps to verify the source of the content. This could involve double-checking the sender’s identity, looking for spelling and grammar errors, and being wary of emails that ask for personal information.

Overall, it is important for all of us to be aware of the growing threat of AI-generated content and to take steps to protect ourselves from cybercrime. By being vigilant and staying informed, we can ensure that we are not being duped by AI.

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