The key technology for the digital transition is the low code

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  • Digital transformation is an overarching concept that affects many aspects of the world we live in. The idea that companies must constantly change and adapt to meet the needs of the evolving workplace. Unfortunately, the idea can be vague, so strategies are often too ambitious or not concise enough to have lasting impact.

Approximately 70% of initiatives fail when companies formulate their digital transformation strategies without the help of outside experts. This high percentage means that many organizations don’t even attempt to transform, instead being left with legacy applications and disruptive workflows.

Low-code/no-code basics

If you’re unfamiliar with the no-code/low-code mindset, it simply means that companies that use applications on a daily basis can build and use them with little to no programming. Initial coding is done before implementation.

Additionally, the no-code/low-code solution increases development speed. Companies can leverage their knowledge of end-user information to create their own interfaces. Employees can build solutions using pre-built templates and click-and-drag frameworks without involving his current IT team.

This facility offers several benefits to current employees. First and foremost, the learning curve is much less than other solutions. Instead of hiring a whole new team of developers, this simple solution allows you to turn your current IT team into developers, saving on hiring costs and speeding up remediation.

This reduces clutter for your IT team, empowers your staff, and reduces development time. Overall, this allows teams to develop, implement, and use new solutions on the fly when needed. No-code/low-code solutions foster employee agility and adaptability.

implement the solution

The idea of ​​a no-code/low-code solution is great, but introducing something new is often difficult and can discourage companies from making forward-looking changes. This is where the specialists come into play. At Intellective, we specialize in helping companies better leverage what they already have, often with no-code/low-code solutions. This is exactly the product of the Unity framework, specifically Unity for Dynamics. Teams can configure where corporate content, processes, and data appear within the app. This means you can put your tools where it makes the most sense to you. You can also connect to all your company’s data. Data flows through secure channels without leaving the application.

Implementation is really the most important tool. Our experienced and certified technicians use methods that reduce risk and speed time to market. This means you not only get a new solution that is easy to use and less disruptive in your workflow, but you get it quickly from a company that helps you every step of the way. See our successful implementations.

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